Monday, February 29, 2016

Sparknots applications

do you like English literature ?reading novels ?prose and poetry ? did you read some novels and you didn't understand what its themes and  protagonist ?Are you English Teacher but it so difficult for you to know a lot about literature ?are you interested  reading intensively and extensively
 or you like just read the book review what ever the English literature type is African British , American or Arabic literature has translated to English you just to enter google search before you search just write spark notes .The website  I have discovered a couple days a go  but wait it also has app what amazing discovering !

spark notes

The Spark-notes 101 series is a one-stop course companion or students. Each book in the series uses clear, readable language to explain and analyze the complex works students are reading. Spark-notes 101 breaks down the subject matter into easily understandable components, providing students with character lists, analyses of themes and symbols, plot summaries, and more.

Covers the 150 most-studied works of literature, including character lists, one-sentence summaries of every novel, plot overviews, major themes, symbols, and quotations, author biographies, and historical contexts of each book.

  spark notes not only web  but  also available here                 


one of Sudanese Novels  

in conclusion : 

spark notes facilitate English literature especially for non native speaker for English languge also save money a window to read and learn both English literature .please visit it if before you read your new novels or book
.It also help you as an English language teacher .

References :


Saturday, February 27, 2016

MY ICT class and nonlinar power point

when i read  read  the Questions your power point is too liner i think of two concepts
1-consisting lines
2-involving a series of connected ideas
But in ICT language the word has different meaning that means my interactive power point should be non-liner  but how ?? that what i learnt from Mr google

How to Create a Non-linear PowerPoint Presentation

Sometimes even the most engaging presentations are not interactive enough. The reason is that they follow a fixed path instead of meeting individual needs. In this article, we will show you how to create non-linear presentations that encourage audience participation

What is a non-linear presentation?

 Non-linear presentations allow you to navigate through material without having to follow a strict order. They give presenters the ability to jump over slides, depending on what information is most relevant in a certain situation.
Non-linear PowerPoint presentations resemble a website, in that one slide can easily lead to another,  the way hyperlinks work on the Web. Glide through your content in any direction to present ideas in greater or lesser detail and avoid demonstrating irrelevant information.


How to create non-linear presentations in PowerPoint

With PowerPoint, you can either turn an already existing linear presentation into non-linear, or create it from scratch. The key to non-linear navigation in PowerPoint is the ability to move back and forth from the home slide. This can be done by inserting hyperlinks and action buttons.

If you already have a presentation, launch it in PowerPoint and then create a blank slide that will represent its table of contents. Type the name of the first section and add a hyperlink to it. In order to do so:


  1. Highlight the name of the section
  2. Go to the Insert tab at the top and choose Hyperlinks;
  3. In the open box, choose Link to -> Place in This Document;
  4. Select the first slide of your section 

Each section of your presentation may have more than one slide. The hyperlinked text will lead to the indicated slide, no matter in what order it appears in the presentation. Repeat this process to provide all sections with relevant slides.

In order to come back from any point of your presentation to the table of contents, use action buttons. In order to do so:

  1. Choose the slide on which you wish to place an action button.
  2. Go to the Insert tab and select Shapes;
  3. Go to the bottom and choose Action Button: Home (with the picture of a house);
  4. Click and drag the cursor to create a square button on the slide;
  5. In the open box, click Hyperlink to and select the home .                                                          


for further reading 

reference :


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

ICT in the School

In last two years ICT flourished but not  widely in our schools . we have to think how we can benefit from ICT in our schools how we use ICT in our classes  and engage our students with  ICT in  learning procedure .you as a teacher  you can tell your boss and Job mates to think of these steps if they don't agree keep it as one of your goals execute it when you become a boss or in a maker decision  just do it and follow these steps which fascinated me and i want share with you .
Top Ten steps for ICT in the school

 1. School must be equipped with ICT facilities. 

2-provide teacher with ICT tools

3. Provide Students with ICT Tools

4. Provide a Convenient Classroom Environment with Technology Touch..



5. Produce High Quality Techno-Savvy Teacher

6. Create a School Social Network.



7. Parents monitors their children at home.






8- Home visit 

9. Teachers as Facilitators.



10. Student-Centered Learning

 Reference . 

Monday, February 22, 2016

The use of ICT and the self correction (Technological correction )

Good evening Every body let my tell you about my experience with power point before this module i didn't do ppt .in my pretensions  of  the last module I used the traditional way to explain  my presentation so i need more effort and may be affect on my continuous assessment average .every time i  started doing my power point i faced many problems and that made may spent long time and hours to know what is correct one of the problem that hindered me for two hours looking for solution  is reorder the power points slides although it was simple but i couldn't continue before fix it slide 1 was in 2 and 3 in 5  .so i looking at you-tube for more explanation .i opened many of them finally i found clear explanation i had to look below the slide and click on the starter then the slides are shown for me then replace the side from the wrong place to the right until i ordered all my slides . also  i learnt the right spelling for many words when i was writing on my blog some words lined by the red colour that means it wrong just i pressed the right click to correct those words sometimes i missing vowel letter or exchange them but after i see the right words  i keep it on my mind and wont repeat it a gain .

Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Use of ICT in applied sciences (primary School cirruculum

Solar system and planets

ICT has effective role in Teaching applied science especially  in what concern of Astrology , Chemistry and physics  Biology ..etc  so today I will tell you how  we  can use ICT .in these class according to the lesson and its lesson plan .The lesson is about the solar system .

 The lesson Purpose: Introduce students to planetary research and familiarize them with the planets and their features..


  Topic Area 

Solar system, planets and moons 

The objectives by the end of the lesson

Students will:                                                                                                                         
  1. Understand that planetary images contain valuable information, but require interpretation, which is somewhat uncertain.

  2. Be able to recognize each planet or moon by its  unique and identifiable features.

  3. Identify the the eight planets of the solar system according to their situation from the Sun s 

    class :grade 5

  • Materials  and methodologies

    The teacher will use plastic Globe and balls in shape of planets and light for the Sun 
    Projector lab top and screens ,white board for writing and drawing 
    session 1 ; introduce the concept of The solar system  audio visual for the students and figure out students ideas (discussion)
    session 2 : more explanation  for the lesson 
    session 3: perform the solar system song (recycling ) for more understanding 
  • comment the teacher will choose kids materials for grade 5 because English isnt their native language 

  • Wednesday, February 17, 2016

    Interactive white board and learning styles

    Hi every body today i will associate interactive white board benefits in what concern of learning style of course we knew about IWB in some of my class mates blog .IWB is so useful because it give us chance to be online and search for information immediately from google and different  website also you can save what you used for other lessons and classes .about learning styles interactive white board suits for all learners style
     student can see new concepts in IWB and that will make it easier for visual learner to store and recall new concept in the future 
    student can hear new information and vocabulary from the voices he .she can heard from the IWB.
    Tactile(learning by touching)
     student can learn through touching,drawing ,doodling shapes and words in different lessons in IWB.
    kinesthetic learner can't wait  for long time without moving so he.she feels boring but when the teacher use IWB give kinsthetic learner to interact and help them to increase their attention span .

    In conclusion
     the teacher who  aware of ICT and teching approach   can apply theories of teaching to ICT facilities to full fill all  leaning objectives. i will convience my Boss in school to think of buy IWB for next year 


    Monday, February 15, 2016

    ICT and physical Education

      I am still discuss the role of ICT in extracurricular .physical Education one of the most activities should be involve in school,because it fulfills the psycho motor domain and motivate student to learn more .physical Education period can be very easy by Music and move muscles and parts of the body according to the melodies in this method PE will be more funny and enjoyable .if you are teacher u don't need  to dance .you just need to search for zumba dances for kids and ask them to follow the steps of course they will learn them easily and enjoy moreover they will get fitness

    ICT and physical Education

    Saturday, February 13, 2016

    Use ICT as content based instruction

    one of teaching English language method is teaching English as content based instruction .

    what content based instruction means?

    CBI refers to the use of non language subjects to teach English most of content based setting have strong academic ,orientation and emphasizing . e.g Science, maths and History can be CBI. that mean student learn new vocabulary and gain knowledge and language for example if we teach ICT  for our kids just the begging of ICT .It has dual result for language and good starting for ICT .like the word browse the word become one of English dictionary words a few years ago ..etc
     of course must be thought theoretical and practical.



    Wednesday, February 10, 2016

    ICT and extracuricural

    Good  evening .Today i will  use ICT in extracurricular at my primary school .on of my extracurricular  is An English club ,  English Club is so important because it gives children chance to practice the language through different activities ,games , songs and stories. games is very important because it join cognitive domain(learning ) with psycho motor  domain  by playing and moving of course young learner will quickly response to learn and enjoy what they i will  my students how learn new games after they watch it  then ask them to imitate what they see in their own way




    Saturday, February 6, 2016

    CONT......   ICT in relation to BLOOM taxonomy
    last time we were talking about ict in relation to Bloom taxonomy but we have to be more focus on synthesis level because it is most important point for teacher to train hislher student to synthesis that mean when teacher  use ICT should use it in what related to our culture    for example ask student use  their own camera  to take  photos to show  them in the presentation Sudanese teacher can modify learning experience in you tube to produce our audio visual materials related to our culture through videos also we can teach periods and lectures  by expert and share them in you-tube
      we just depend on their experience ..outside share and we just watch without adding and putting our ideas synthesis is debate can never discuss in one blog just we have to think deeply  if you don't get my point i will explain more and i will give synthesis space in my next blog.

    consider the yellow and green the knowledge we get from ict red and blue is our ideas

    this association to Bloom and picture caption by Rahma  Albadri 2016

    Thursday, February 4, 2016

    ICT in relation to BLOOM TAXONOMY

    Today i will associate  Bloom taxonomy to ICT  in my point of view. Bloom  taxonomy is s a theory which contains six level of  in education by  Bloom in 1956 go button to up from lower level  of thinking to highest level :remembering.understanding,applying ,analyzing,synthesis and Evaluating .when we learn ICT we have to remember then understand if we apply that means we reach the third level all of us at the third level but we have to go further in ICT to analyze what we apply and synthesize if we synthesize that means we build on what we learn and create new ideas may more suit to our culture and situation  then we have to evaluate what we do to improve our learning condition using ICT next time i will tell you how we can synthesize and evaluate.

    this association according to Rahma Mubarak 2016 based on Bloom taxonomy below;

    Wednesday, February 3, 2016

    ICT in  my personal life 

    it is high time and rush hour to tell you about my relation with  ICT during this week . i was far from ICT   in this week ict give my chance to receive an email for accepting my in the creative writing work shop with Leila  Abuallela  .it was easy for my to get and download the stories are sent  to discuss   at the next day share ideas in email group .it was easy to browse and read about  different writers and writing styles not only reading but also copy and paste what i will need later  instead of consuming time in writing manually so i create file called it creative writing to collect all what concern of writing .may i will share you my story if you like.

    Monday, February 1, 2016

     Welcome ! ICT in my class room 

    Good evening .Today i will combine ICT  for my class as an English language teacher.All my students are non native speaker so i teach English as a foreign  language (EFL )one my aims  to develop my students listening skills by giving them a chance to hear English language flue from native speakers to pronounce the words accurately  and speak fluently i will benefit from ICT  in my next class in this method  my students will hear and read the conversation from the  video i have downloaded from the youtube instead of my the will hear it then repeat it   i will just guide them and correct them after demonstrate the meaning of difficult words.