Thursday, February 4, 2016

ICT in relation to BLOOM TAXONOMY

Today i will associate  Bloom taxonomy to ICT  in my point of view. Bloom  taxonomy is s a theory which contains six level of  in education by  Bloom in 1956 go button to up from lower level  of thinking to highest level :remembering.understanding,applying ,analyzing,synthesis and Evaluating .when we learn ICT we have to remember then understand if we apply that means we reach the third level all of us at the third level but we have to go further in ICT to analyze what we apply and synthesize if we synthesize that means we build on what we learn and create new ideas may more suit to our culture and situation  then we have to evaluate what we do to improve our learning condition using ICT next time i will tell you how we can synthesize and evaluate.

this association according to Rahma Mubarak 2016 based on Bloom taxonomy below;

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