Monday, February 22, 2016

The use of ICT and the self correction (Technological correction )

Good evening Every body let my tell you about my experience with power point before this module i didn't do ppt .in my pretensions  of  the last module I used the traditional way to explain  my presentation so i need more effort and may be affect on my continuous assessment average .every time i  started doing my power point i faced many problems and that made may spent long time and hours to know what is correct one of the problem that hindered me for two hours looking for solution  is reorder the power points slides although it was simple but i couldn't continue before fix it slide 1 was in 2 and 3 in 5  .so i looking at you-tube for more explanation .i opened many of them finally i found clear explanation i had to look below the slide and click on the starter then the slides are shown for me then replace the side from the wrong place to the right until i ordered all my slides . also  i learnt the right spelling for many words when i was writing on my blog some words lined by the red colour that means it wrong just i pressed the right click to correct those words sometimes i missing vowel letter or exchange them but after i see the right words  i keep it on my mind and wont repeat it a gain .

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