Monday, March 7, 2016

Cognitivism theory and ICT and my plan how can use learning theories and ICT

hi Every body Good evening I have a lo  of reflection i have to write in my blog but wait we have just only two blogs so let me continue the last theory of learning and how it integrated to ICT

  • Cognitivism – a learning process that looks beyond behavior

    to explain learning based on thinking.

  • Cognitivism theory and ICT
    ·         Cognitivism learning can be acquired through listening, watching, touching, reading and then processing and remembering the information.
    ·         Therefore, there is various range of software which can be used for this learning theory.
    ·         For example, for the lower primary children, teacher can ask them to touch and identify the name of the computer equipments such as computer screen, keyboard, mouse, CPU and so forth.  Through this kind of activity, pupils can touch, listen to the teacher and at the same time experience the learning by themselves and then the learning may proceed to process and remember the information.
  • Integrating ICT usage with cognitivism
    In cognitivists’ view, mental activity is the primary focus of learning, where it measures by how one thinks and not how one behaves.
    There are 3 important processes when it comes into cognitive learning, which include:
    ·    Acquiring new information
    ·    Transforming old information to fit a particular task
    ·    Evaluating or measuring to see whether the transformed information works.

    When it comes to technology, it is important to include specific principles:
    ·    Interactive assignments.
    ·    Moments of reflection
    ·    Interaction with peers and teacher
    ·    Problem-solving
    ·    Levels of development
    ·    Adapt to the learning styles of students

     In conclusion 

     I have my own practice for the Three learning theories  after i became  aware of ICT and learning theories .  

    Cognitivism i have mentioned  here in addition to constructivism and behaviourism are mentioned in the last two blogs so i can  associate behaviourism theory to my lesson plan objectives in what related to ICT  and cognitivism in the presentaion stage in my procedure also i can use  Constructivismelated to practice and production stages when i used ICT tools as main materials for my lessons .

    reference :

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